How to socialize in parties? Ways to be social

Parties are very fun to go to but become a challenge sometimes. This is not the case for just shy people because sometimes it is a little awkward for social people too.

But hanging out is a healthy activity, it helps you in gaining confidence and interacting with people. So here are a few tips you can practice to get over your anxiety for socializing and gave a good time.


  • Make yourself look friendly by being in an approachable state. Some examples of it are to not be engaged in cell phone or arms-crossed.
  • Do not be afraid of rejection and introduce yourself to somebody. Do not over-think it and just keep it simple by telling your name.
  • After you have introduced yourself, it is easier to make a conversation. Ask really general questions to know each other a little bit. As questions like ‘Are you interested in music/ sports?’ These kinds of questions are easy for follow-up questions to keep the conversation going.
  • You can also look for things to have a connection with to start a conversation. For suppose, if someone is from your town/college or is wearing a shirt you like. You can just go and a conversation about it to break the ice.
  • Do not be stuck in one place the whole time. Try to move around from time to time like sit inside or go stand near the pool area.


  • It is easier to get social in a group. If you notice any group, hang back a little and then slowly contribute in the conversation. Do not go straight up and talking. Listen to the conversation and add on a little. For suppose ‘Last night’s match was awesome!’
  • You can also suggest playing some games like any card game or board game to keep it fun. Activities help you to be more talkative and comfortable to have a good time.
  • Once you have gotten into a group and see someone new, add them into the conversation too. Like ask them if they have a pet too etc.



  • It is easier to socialize if your friends are there too. So try to go to parties where you know a friend of yours will be at. Or bring your friends with you so you are comfortable there and enjoy yourself.
  • To feel at ease, hang around with your friends first and then go to some new people to talk to if you want.
  • You can also ask your friends to help you in interacting with new people. Like ask them to introduce you to someone.
  • Do not stay in your comfort zone and get a little social. Parties are a great source of meeting new people so try to make some new friends too. If it is hard, you can be in a group of your friends and new people.


  • If you feel pressure in meeting new people, try to find a technique to help you like a few deep breaths.
  • Do not feel helpless if an interaction of yours does not go well. It is not easy to succeed every time or especially in the beginning.
  • Many people have a kind of social anxiety. Do not worry because it is very easy to get over it. Take some help from your friends or talk to a therapist if it is serious for you.
Dija Airish

Dija Airish is wife and an Editor at Vogue Babe. She writes on women's health, beauty and makeup tips for beginners. When she's not writing, Dija enjoys reading romantic novels, watching Netflix, and spending far too much time in cooking.

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